Islam is Peace.

Today I'm gonna upload the first post on this blogger. I choosed today (despite of having exams tomorrow) because today is significant for me.
5 years back today, I mean "16 Dec 2014" You can search on your browser about what happened that day.

Over 140 innocent school kids holding books as their guidelines and pens as their weapons were just sitting in their classes for the seek of knowledge. But unfortunately they were crushed in the tension between different FAITHS.

Some forest wolves ate them along with their souls. And who was those wolves, they were actually the enemies of FAITH, people call them terrorists, who scare and threaten you. But people don't know how they play with your FAITHS on the name of religions.
The worst thing is that people are still calling those innocent kids terrorist!! Yes.. people called them terrorists, Why?? Because they were Muslims.
That's why I said they had crushed between in the tension between Religions.

People don't know that why the terrorists only attacked to Muslim countries like Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Shaam. But still they are blaming Islam as terrorist religion. What non scence..?
How can a Muslim kill other Muslim, if he really want Johad or to do something for his religion then of course he will kill other religion people, at least he won't kill his own brothers. But honestly I'm inspired by teachings of Islam that if you will kill an innocent person even if he is Muslim or not, you are out of Islam. Even there's order to protect trees in war.
Then these terror muslims changed their minds or their religious teachings..?
How was that possible..?
It's only possible for money, people change their everything, their religion, or even their fathers for money.

Whole world is blaming Islam as a terrorist relogion because muslims kill their brother, what non scense..?
If it is possible then why people don't call Hitler a terrorist or Israel a terrorist even they are killing other religion people.
Why Islam??
Because there's nobody to defend Islam on worldwide levels, Muslims are underdeveloped in the education specially. No one is to deleverage such teachings about Islam to you.

People don't even know that Islam is the world's most peaceful religion and only religion with the name "Salam" meaning Peace. Prophet Muhammad SAW brought peace and justice to the earth, as written in Bible as well. Look at "Isaiah 42:4"
Muslims could claim Christians are terrorists because of Islamophobia or their attacks on Syria, or Jawish as terrorists because what they are doing in Palestine, or Hindus what they are doing I'm Kashimir. But they don't because they know the status of Jeaus.

Stop blaming any religion as terrorist because there's no religion who commands its servants to kill innocents.
And terrorists don't have any religion, their religion is money and their leader mi d wash them to do so because of their personal benefits. And the tension between religions raised them and grew up them.

Today I want to clear...
There's is no religion but just humanity. If your religion don't teach you to care of other humans then u don't have religion. Same way terrorist can never have a religion.
Which religion is best all this is another topic but the first thing that comes in your mind after listening the word FAITH should be HUMANITY.

See you next time.
