
Showing posts from December, 2019

Islam is Peace.

Today I'm gonna upload the first post on this blogger. I choosed today (despite of having exams tomorrow) because today is significant for me. 5 years back today, I mean "16 Dec 2014" You can search on your browser about what happened that day. Over 140 innocent school kids holding books as their guidelines and pens as their weapons were just sitting in their classes for the seek of knowledge. But unfortunately they were crushed in the tension between different FAITHS. Some forest wolves ate them along with their souls. And who was those wolves, they were actually the enemies of FAITH, people call them terrorists, who scare and threaten you. But people don't know how they play with your FAITHS on the name of religions. The worst thing is that people are still calling those innocent kids terrorist!! Yes.. people called them terrorists, Why?? Because they were Muslims. That's why I said they had crushed between in the tension between Religions. People don'